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Climate change, extinctions signal Earth in danger zone - study

Climate change and high rates of extinctions of animals and plants are pushing the Earth into a danger zone for humanity, a scientific report card about mankind's impact on...

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Pacific winds change the speed of global warming, says new study

The strength of the trade winds that cross the Pacific can affect how quickly the planet warns, new research suggests. By analysing the chemical makeup of corals in the tro...

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Priyanka Chopra joins Hollywood A-listers in charity singalong of John Lennon's Imagine

Bollywood actress and singer Priyanka Chopra has joined a list of Hollywood celebrities including Katy Perry, DJ David Guetta and Hugh Jackman, in a music video which they ...

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Priyanka Chopra joins Hollywood A-listers in charity singalong of John Lennon's Imagine

Bollywood actress and singer Priyanka Chopra has joined a list of Hollywood celebrities including Katy Perry, DJ David Guetta and Hugh Jackman, in a music video which they ...

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Years Of Living Dangerously: Merchants Of Doubt hiding An Inconvenient Truth

Next December, 196 nations will meet in Paris to agree a course of action to respond to climate change. They will do so under the auspices of the UN framework convention on...

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Air pollution caused fall in monsoon rains, says study

Emissions produced by human activity over the past 50 years have caused decline of the annual monsoon rainfall, on which billions of people - including in India - depend, a...

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We?re saving the ozone layer, but climate change is a different matter

The most environmental successful treaty ever, the 1987 Montreal Protocol, which banned CFCs, is bearing fruit A t last, there?s some good news. The Earth?s vital ozone lay...

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Floods, drought and deadly heatwaves: Experts paint bleak picture of world's climate in 2050

Fictional futuristic TV weather reports are created for a UN summit to demonstrate the effects of global warming The World Meteorological Organization (WMO), headquartered ...

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These Are Some Of The Most Interesting Green Projects Coming Out Of India

We were completely blown away when we read about the two 15-year-old boys from Nainital who invented a device that enables a shoe to charge a mobile phone. It?s mind-boggli...

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Global Warming has Temporarily 'Paused' due to Climate Fluctuations and Weaker Solar Irradiance

Global warming has been temporarily 'paused' according to a group of scientists, who attribute this interlude to climate fluctuations and a more restrained sun. Researchers...

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