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India’s First Sign Language Dictionary To Be Released In March

How often have you played a game of Charades, frantically motioning to your friends hoping they’ll get the gist of what you’re trying to say? That frustration y...

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Maker Of Grand Spectacles

Almost two decades have elapsed since director and scenographer Deepan Sivaraman graduated from his alma mater, the University of Calicut’s School of Drama in Thrissu...

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At 13, Indian Girl Invents Revolutionary Band-Aid That Bags Her Google Science Prize

While some professions rely on the skill and experience of their workers, the tech industry thrives on constant growth and innovation. None exemplify this better than the p...

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BAFTA Los Angeles Launches Access For All Campaign

BAFTA LA announced last week the launch of its Access for All campaign, a commitment to ensuring that talented individuals are offered a clear pathway to careers in the ent...

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The Man Who Is Reviving An Ancient Urdu Storytelling Form Using Sufism, Ramayana & More

Dastangoi is an ancient form of storytelling in Urdu that would have been erased from the collective imagination of Indians if it hadn’t been for the dedicated effort...

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Rights of children, Delhi High Court, Juvenile Justice, Care and Protection, Act

Women of reproductive age are at highest risk of intimate partner violence and often experience unintended pregnancies. A recent research fi...

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Kaleidoscope - Rebellious Women

At a time in the past, when women were denied education or any kind of independent existence, the only ones to have some limited freedom were female performers - ...

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Emma Watson: Speaking Out About Feminism Opened A 'Pandora's Box' Of Threats And Criticism, Actress Reveals

The last two years have been a baptism of fire to say the least, I learned just how little I know and also how much. It was my scary first step as an activist, a word I nev...

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VivekOberoi Sponsors Education Of 10 J&K Girls

VivekOberoi feels strongly about the education and empowerment of the girl child. Through his NGO, Devi, he has been working towards this cause for a while. We have now lea...

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When Economic Growth Doesn't Make Countries Happier

Rich people are happier than poorer people on average, and richer countries are happier than poorer countries. And yet growing national wealth is not always accompanied by ...

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