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This Futuristic Cap Lets People With Paralysis Communicate

It’s a patient’s worst nightmare: They’re paralyzed from an accident or disease, and slowly, even the ability to signal by blinking is taken from them. It...

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This Boat Will Run for Six Years on Nothing But Wind, Water And Hydrogen

Talk about energy efficient, this boat will use only sun, wind, and hydrogen for power to last six years as it travels around the world. Called the "Energy Observer," the e...

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Preparing For The Next Epidemic: A First Step By Bill Gates

At a time when world leaders are understandably focused on terrorism and other security threats, another enemy is being largely overlooked—the next epidemic. We don&r...

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Striking Photo's Of A Ballet Program Bringing Strength To One Of Africa's Biggest Slums

Fredrik Lerneryd spent the last year and a half photographing a group of ballet dancers in the Kibera neighborhood of Nairobi, Kenya, one of the largest urban slums in Afri...

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105-Year-Old Cyclist Rides 14 Miles In An Hour En Route To A World Record

Frenchman Robert Marchand set a new world record Wednesday when he cycled 22.547 kilometers (about 14 miles) in an hour — at the age of 105. Wearing a purple and yell...

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Highlight Reel: The Evolution Of Skate Culture In India

Every empire has a foundation, every hero an origin story. As the adage goes ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ and neither was the steadily burgeoning world of...

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When Genetic Screening Goes Very, Very Wrong

Teenagers don't routinely drop dead of cardiac failure. As a cause of death among individuals aged 12 to 19, heart disease barely even rates, staking out a mere 3 perc...

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Zika Linked To Nerve Disease That Causes Paralysis In Adults

In January, Colombia saw an unusual increase in cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, a rare disorder where a person's immune system attacks the nervous system, in some cases t...

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Kaleidoscope - Rule Of King

Stephen King who is known for his horror novels and thrillers, wrote a detective novel called Mr Mercedes, and then wrote two more with the same characters turning...

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“An artclass on the footpath…”

Interns Pranoy Shaiva and Shreyas Nair contributed both words and photographs for this writeup.

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