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Travelers: S2 – Perfect Jetpack for the Future of Times

How honestly, we wish to fly, to fly high and far into a time where everything we imagine is a promising reality, where cruising past planet...

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Indian Rap Song on Swachhta made by the Slum Kids of Patna is going International

The children of a tiny little slum in Patna are rejoicing over their new-found success and identity. A peppy little song, The Story of Kacharapur made b...

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Rural India has less than one Doctor for 1000 People

In a country like India where the population is on its boom, there is still less than one doctor for 1000 people, a study by healthcare info...

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The Oceans have ‘Dark’ Secrets

You may have seen the pictures of glowing oceans at night on the internet or scenes from films (Life of Pi), or maybe even experienced it li...

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The U.S fight over Net Neutrality has an Impact on the Whole World

The US Federal Communications Commission or FCC voted on 14 December to repeal landmark 2015 rules aimed at ensuring a free and open internet, sending chilling wav...

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Cultural Entrepreneurship in India

India’s cultural heritage goes back over 5000 years even before the much discussed Indus Valley Civilization. Since the advent of recorded history there is enough evi...

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Drones connect Remote Village to Internet

High-speed internet is not a luxury anymore, it is a necessity. Openreach is a UK based company involved in Britain’s digital network business. They're the people who...

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Waiting for the Ban on Banning of Banning!

While the intentions of outright banning books, art, music, symbols, statues, or behaviour are usually always good—desires to end raci...

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THIS IS US: The Child is the Father of the Man

Today of all days, we are told to keep the child in us alive, the innocence the passion and the ever-growing curiosity of children are unmatched, but what about the adult i...

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The Resurgence of Yacht Rock and other Soft Music

Earlier when artists came out in open declaring their love for soft music, they were met with bafflement while right now they are appreciated.

More and more younger...

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