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Memories of an advertising man…

In this fascinating first-person-account, Monojit Lahiri, known for his Bollywood-driven opinion pieces, tracks the changing c...

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Soumitra Chatterjee: The Legend Lives On

Legendary actor Soumitra Chatterjee passed away on 15 November 2020. To mark the first anniversary, Shantanu Ray Chaudhuri wri...

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In the land of the capitalists

‘Battleship Potemkin’ was premiered at the historic Bolshoi Theatre auditorium in Moscow on December 21, 1925, writes Monis...

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Celebrating Bachchan!

It’s his 79th birthday on the 11th October, and S M M Ausaja writes that It’s not easy to ch...

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The art of Gaganendranath Tagore

At the height of darkness comes the first stirrings of dawn - a renaissance in the arts, literature and social life. It is against this backdro...

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Hrid Majhare: The Bard’s Official ‘Debut’ in Bengali Cinema

In the series on landmark Bengali films post 2000, Shantanu Ray Chaudhuri looks at Ranjan Ghosh’s adaptation of Shakespe...

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Latin American Films Win Big

KASHISH 2021 Award winners announced at an online glittering closing & award ceremony, reports Read More

Hello, says the killer: Mukhosh

This serial cop-killer flick does not quite cut it either as a thriller or as a statement on crime and punishment, writes Shantanu Ray ...

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A Commanding Actor: Jayati Bhatia

Aparajita Krishna deep dives into actor Jayati Bhatia’s life and career in theatre, television, films and web series. Read More

Silence: The language of God

A piece of appreciation of Martin Scorsese’s 2016 epic historical drama Silence, by Berges Santok


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