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UN Human Rights Council: Using Sport And The Olympic Ideal To Promote Human Rights For All, Including Persons With Disabilities

For more than a decade, Human Rights Watch has documented human rights abuses linked to mega-sporting events, or MSEs, such as the Olympics, football’s World Cup, For...

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Over 2,500 Indian Kids Suffer From Brain Tumour Every Year

With a surge in the brain related ailments in the world, every year over 2,500 of the Indian children suffer from medulloblastoma, a pediatric malignant primary brain tumou...

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Culture Of Silence Around Disability Influences Bad Policy

Disability in India has long been misunderstood and persons with disability in India for decades now have lived on the fringes of society – excluded, marginalised and...

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Transgenders’ Welfare Now In Charter Of Work By Ministry Of Social Justice

The Union Government has included welfare of transgender persons in charter of work to be handled by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, following demands from civi...

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True Review Television - Sumit Raghavan: India’s Consumate Actor

Sumit Raghavan is one of television’s most underrated actors. In early 2000, Dilip Joshi, Sumit Raghavan and Amit Mistry did a sitcom Shubh Mangal Savdhan for Sahara ...

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Leave No One Behind: Women, Children And Adolescent Health In Emergencies

If you ask anyone to describe home in one word they frequently will respond with either “comfortable” or “safe.” No matter where you live in the wor...

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Newly Disability Definition To Be Widened

The government is set to widen the definition of "disability" to bring the count of physically challenged persons in sync with the ground situation, heeding complaints that...

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58% Disabled SC/ST Kids Not Schooled

While most parents shuttle between different schools as the admission season gets underway, for some families educating their children is not a choice - they have to help t...

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Seeds For Cinema: An Interview With Dr Shravan Kumar, CEO, CFSI

“At CFSI we not only want to make films but also make film makers”
-Dr. Shravan Kumar
On the fifteenth of February, Director, Producer and Managing Di...

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Deep inside every woman I have ever known across the many hierarchies that paint my world is vacuum; the result of an endless internal conflict that remains unresolved.


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