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Human Rights Violations in the Interpersonal Sphere

Individuals, families, communities, the government and the workplace - all have witnessed human rights abuses b...

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How Classics Define Today’s Hollywood

While looking back into the history of cinema isn’t the preference of youth today, it's no doubt that cla...

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Genius: Picasso – Stroke on the Surface, Fails to Strike Deep

Rarely could we ever surmise the depths or the true backstory that breathes within a masterpiece or a mastermin...

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Why Human Mind refuses to believe Facts

'The mind' most often refers to the seat of human consciousness. The the...

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Cannes in Support of Films made by Dissident Directors

The 71st Annual Cannes Film Festival is scheduled to be held from 8 to 19 May 2018. Asghar Farhadi's psych...

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‘Phubbing’ Severely Disrupts Personal Relationships

Picture this. You are amongst a group of people, conversing. 5 minutes into the conversation someone pulls out ...

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The Politicization of Social Media

Back in 2012, a national survey questioned 3,000 young people, ages 15-25 on how they use the Internet, social ...

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Experiments with Storytelling: Meet Anuraadha Tewari

In a freewheeling conversation, Anuraadha Tewari, scree...

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The Disappearing Art of Conversation

Since the emergence of humans on the planet, conversation has been the cornerstone of human civilization. From the initial words exchanged r...

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