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DP Nancy Schreiber bags the Susan B. Anthony ‘Failure is Impossible’ Award at High Falls Film Festival

Nancy Schreiber is an award-winning cinematographer based in both New York and Los Angeles. She was the fourth woman ever voted into membership into the prestigious America...

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#MeToo & #BalanceTonPorc - Women’s Global Fight against Harassment goes Online


The recent allegations against film mogul Harvey Weinstein have sparked a global conversation about the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace. Women, n...

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Can Men be Allies among the many ‘Harvey Weinsteins’ in the Industry?

Anthony Bourdain is known as the strutting chef who kicked a drug habit, wrote a best-selling confessional Kitchen Confidential, and became an internationally recognized te...

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Brief Encounters

Female bonding is rare in Bollywood movies, so a play about strangers meeting in a railway waiting room on a stormy night has been doing well in multiple languages.  Read More

#MeToo – Do Sexual Harassers keep Good Science from Happening?

 Boston University (BU) is investigating sexual harassment complaints made against a prominent Antarctic geologist by two of his former graduate students. The women al...

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The General Sexism faced by the Hollywood Women since Ages

“Congratulations, you five ladies no longer have to pretend to be attracted to Harvey Weinstein", said comedian Seth MacFarlane in 2013, introducing the list of best-...

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Rape as a Weapon of Destruction

Rape and sexual slavery are actively being used as means of warfare in Central African Republic, with armed forces on both sides guilty of it.

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Dalit women in Rajasthan tortured, beaten and killed after being branded ‘Witches’

A sting operation was carried out in September by Ms. Ahluwalia, chairperson of Baal Evum Mahila Chetana Samiti, along with two women volunteers and a team of jour...

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The Love-Hate relationship between AC/DC and the Women who listen to Them

On hearing their songs, a conscientious feminist would surely stop listening to AC/DC and build a bonfire out of the band’s back catalogue. But, much as one feels bad...

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Displacement follows terror: Rights of millions concerns our world.

"They forced us onto trucks like animals".  A 55-page report titled thus has shook the world. The document, chronicles the atrocities committed by Cameroonian...

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