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Stan Lee to be a part of TEDxGateway for the first time in Mumbai

To discuss his first Indian Superhero, CHAKRA THE INVINCIBLE!

Mumbai, December, 2013: Stan Lee, Chairman and Chief Creative Officer of POW! Entertainment and the co...

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2?C rise will be a disaster say leading scientists

Governments have set the wrong target to limit climate change. The goal at present ? to limit global warming to a maximum of 2?C higher than the average for most of human h...

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Family’s Heartbreaking Fight for their Son’s Education

Greg’s nightmare scenario of losing Max isn’t hypothetical. Schools have lost him in the past. Once, he escaped through a broken gate and into a field adjacent ...

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Truth or Dare…? The Alchemy of Desire Deconstructed

I am completely compelled and driven by an intense need to write this piece because I’m no longer now, able to be in denial of the force driving me to give some persp...

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Azim Hashim Premji, Top of the list for the most generous Indian

Close on the heels of releasing its second edition of Hurun India Rich List, China-
based magazine Hurun Report launched the inaugural Hurun India Philanthropy

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UN Environment Programme states an increase in global green house gas emissions by 2020 (Emissions Gap report 2013)

The United Nations says it is “less and less likely” that global greenhouse gas emissions will be low enough by 2020 to stop the atmosphere warming beyond the i...

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Do Attend the Tata Literature Live! The Mumbai LitFest at NCPA, November 14 to 17, 2013.

An announcement for all avid readers in Mumbai, it’s time for Tata Literature Live! The Mumbai International LitFest
where Over 120 writers and thinkers from all...

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Survey: For young children, mobile devices such as tablets, smartphones now a mainstay

The vast majority of young children in the United States are using mobile devices and for much longer periods of time, with an even greater number of babies being exposed t...

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Obama Says Health Law Critics ‘Grossly Misleading’

President Barack Obama defended his health-care law, saying the flawed online insurance exchange will get fixed and accusing critics of “grossly misleading” the...

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What is a connection?

In a world full of people, we still manage to relate to the experiences of others on a purely empathic level. Society has somehow distorted our ability to connect and has b...

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