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Displacement follows terror: Rights of millions concerns our world.

"They forced us onto trucks like animals".  A 55-page report titled thus has shook the world. The document, chronicles the atrocities committed by Cameroonian...

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Blood in the Rakhine

The United Nations recognizes every individual, by virtue of birth, to have an equal right to dignity, and consider this the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the...

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Women riding the Wheels of Change in Saudi Arabia

"Human rights are women's rights, and women's rights are human rights." - Hillary Clinton

In a country like Saudi Arabia where women's rights are limited in compari...

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An Eye for an Aye

The daughter of P. Lankesh, a well-known Kannada journalist, Gauri Lankesh was an outspoken journalist. She worked with her father at his magazine, Lankesh Patrike...

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Learning From Grandmama To Defend Yourself?

Kenya Grandmoms Fight Back Against the Rapists- Literally!

The grandmoms of Kenya are not going to let the rapists dominate over them and therefore have resorted to...

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Consent and its Consequence

Rape and child protection laws seem to have differing notions about consent and marriage- according to our existing rules, sex with a woman under the age of 18 is a crimina...

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The Lack of the Land

We may be the 4th fastest growing economy in the world, but something as basic as food is still a source of worry for a majority of our people.

A survey by the Nati...

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Sridhar Rangayan – Taking The LGBTQ Discourse From His Personal To The Political

I’ve known him for years, but Sridhar has become a dear friend in the last few years, from the time that we launched the Asian Cen...

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Conversations with Carter

Bill Gates, the man behind Windows, and one of the biggest philanthropists in the world, recently released a video of him and his wife Melinda Gate meeting former US presid...

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Hard hats and Chappals

Construction is the second largest economic activity in India after agriculture. The Indian construction industry employs over 35 million people and creates assets worth ov...

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