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Barack Obama tells G20 a global climate change deal is possible and vital

US president says every nation has a responsibility to do its part and ?overcome old divides, look squarely at the science and reach a strong global climate agreement next ...

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Global Warming Driving Migration of Species in India

Rising temperatures are forcing a huge, untold number of species to move their homes northward or climb to higher altitudes, says an alarming study. Global warming and chan...

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India's 'Climate Smart' Villages Target Sustainable Agriculture

Scientists warn that agriculture around the world can be significantly affected by climate change, and are now teaching farmers new technologies to adapt. At one ?climate s...

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UK?s winter floods strengthen belief humans causing climate change

Britons say they are more convinced climate is changing and that humans are the main cause More than a quarter of people say UK?s winter floods strengthened their belief in...

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Climate Change Could Happen Slower for the Next Decade

Atmospheric temperatures are expected to rise slowly in the next decade Temperatures have risen more slowly in the past decade than in the previous 50 years and will contin...

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How to Talk About Climate Change So People Will Listen

Not long ago, my newspaper informed me that glaciers in the western Antarctic, undermined by the warmer seas of a hotter world, were collapsing, and their disappearance ?no...

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Climate Change: Frequency, strength of tornadoes rising, thanks to global warming

The global warming and unabated pollution is contributing to climatic imbalances on the Earth. Despite severe awareness programs, global pacts and international call for co...

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Climate change and air pollution will lead to famine by 2050, study claims

The world is expected to need 50 per cent more food by 2050, with around four billion more mouths to feed. But this food could soon be in short supply due to increasing tem...

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How is Today’s Warming Different from the Past?

Earth has experienced climate change in the past without help from humanity. We know about past climates because of evidence left in tree rings, layers of ice in glaciers, ...

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Climate Change Is Ruining The One Thing That Makes Los Angeles A Unique Place To Live

The city of Los Angeles is known for its wide sandy beaches, mild temperatures, and lack of humidity. The combination of cool winters and warm summers sets it apart from al...

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