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International law stays silent on the responsibility for climate change

The United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC), as the 1992 agreement is known, has sent a yearly caravan of politicians, activists and lawyers to some of the worl...

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Express in Lima: Javadekar to highlight India?s solar push

The recently-decided plan to go for a massive increase in solar power generation in the country will figure prominently in the statement of Environment Minister Prakash Jav...

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Climate Change: How To Make Sense of the Lima Talks

World leaders are gathering in Lima, Peru, for the 20th session of the Conference of the Parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, or UNFCCC. A primary go...

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Oopsie! $1 Billion in UN Funds to Fight Climate Change Built Coal Power Plants Instead

About $1 billion in Japanese funding that Japan claimed was part of a UN initiative to help developing countries take action against climate change went, unnoticed, towards...

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Lima climate conference has to ‘write history’ to save earth, says Figueres

Over the course of the next two weeks, delegates will attempt to hammer out the new universal treaty, which would enter force by 2020 More than 190 nations are participatin...

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India wants focus on adapting to climate change at upcoming UN Climate Conference

Ahead of United Nations Climate Conference, India on Monday made a strong pitch for focusing on adaptation and common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR) as part of ...

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India to act on climate change on its own volition: Environment minister

India will take action on climate change not "at somebody's dictation" but on its own volition, environment minister Prakash Javadekar has said. Prime Minister Narendra Mod...

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