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Crime Drama, Women and Claude Chabrol!

Writes Vandana Kumar, “No one takes you away from one-dimensional morality while trying to fathom his women charact...

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Manasi Rachh: In the Spotlight

Aparajita Krishna traces actor, model Manasi Rachh’s interesting journey across theatre, films and now web-series.


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Different Strokes

Manoj Bajpayee, in a heart-to-heart conversation with Khalid Mohamed, on his journey right from the mercurial gangster Bh...

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We can work it out

Dr. Kishore Madhwani makes a case for Don’t-Worry-Stay-Calm even as the media reports about variants of the pandemic exa...

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In Good Company

Here are a few famous people Vinta Nanda has sourced and found that they rolled a joint and smoked in a high once in a while.<...

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A Dream Run for Kalyani

Janaky Sreedharan writes about J.Geetha’s debut venture Run Kalyani, which is set to be the opening film at the New York...

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Exhausted: Face Masked & Barefoot

As the lockdown restrictions are being relaxed gradually in the country, scores of migrant laborers who have lost their jobs have attempted to ...

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Shahryar and those sharks

 “As I stood there, I could see Shahryar walking around. And even as I kept calling out to him, he didn’t respond. Perhaps, di...

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Largest global groundwater depletion happening in northern India

New research has shown that Delhi is at the epicentre of ground water crisis. The Economic Times reports that largest groundwater depletion in ...

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Increasing screen time linked to developmental problems in later childhood

According to a new study, toddlers spending a lot of time staring at screens are linked with poorer performance on developmental screening test...

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