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COVID-19 – What it means to business

Survival Guide for businesses, especially for small businesses/startups by Alok Jagdhari

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The Little Time Machine of Arambol, Goa

In a small part of Goa called Arambol lays a quiet and peaceful wellness retreat called Read More

Vaccination is Vital to stop the spread of Disease in the Community

Even if a small number of people are left unvaccinated, it can make a big difference. This would result in the ...

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Five Most Inspirational Persons and the Books they Suggest You Read

Many of the brightest minds in technology, entertainment, business, and philanthropy have said they owe their success to reading. Ever wonde...

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The Right to Death

The Supreme Court on Tuesday opposed the notion of allowing patients to create a 'living will'. Known as an 'advanced medical directive' in legal jargon, the bill is meant ...

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California Is About To Ban 'Personal Belief' Exemptions For Vaccinations

California’s anti-vaxxers will no longer be able send their unvaccinated kids to school, if a bill passed by the State Assembly gets signed into law. The just-approve...

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Study: Measles Shot Helps Ward Off Other Illnesses

LOS ANGELES — A new study suggests that the measles shot comes with a bonus: By preventing that disease, the vaccine may also help your body fight off other illnesses...

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Traditions, Society And Healthcare- Taking A Look At Community Health Issues

It was a cool afternoon in the winter of 1990. We were walking toward a remote village on a dirt road through a forest. It was a voyage of delightful discovery of flora...

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Bill Gates Reviews ??n Immunity??- Book On Vaccination

Vaccines continue to be a hot topic with the measles outbreak and the Ebola virus. In his latest book review of On Immunity by Eula Biss, Bill Gates takes a close look at t...

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HIV on rise as gay men abandon condoms

Doctors are concerned that gay men with HIV are abandoning safe sex practices, and may unwittingly be spreading previously rare sexually transmitted infections such as syph...

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