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Climate change, extinctions signal Earth in danger zone - study

Climate change and high rates of extinctions of animals and plants are pushing the Earth into a danger zone for humanity, a scientific report card about mankind's impact on...

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Global Warming Driving Migration of Species in India

Rising temperatures are forcing a huge, untold number of species to move their homes northward or climb to higher altitudes, says an alarming study. Global warming and chan...

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Binary Opposition: The Illusion Of Duality

10001110101001 is a line of binary code, each number represents one possibility, yes or no. Descartes professed in his philosophy, the idea of Car...

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Binary Opposition: The Illusion Of Duality

10001110101001 is a line of binary code, each number represents one possibility, yes or no. Descartes professed in his philosophy, the idea of Cartesian dualism: the separa...

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DiCaprio raises $25million at French charity gala

Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio has raised more than $25 million (18 million euros) at a charity gala in France for his foundation which aims at protecting the environment...

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Billy Joel and Meryl Streep Support Ivory Ban in New York

Billy Joel has given his support to a proposed ban of the sale of ivory in New York. “I wholeheartedly support the ivory sales ban bill pending in New York State,&rdq...

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Leafing out and climate change

Global warming is generally expected to bring spring forward but a connected influx of plant species from warmer southern latitudes could counteract this effect, said a stu...

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Peter Dinklage Wants The Trade Of Ivory Banned In New York

Actor and New York resident Peter Dinklage released the following statement urging state lawmakers to ban the trade of ivory in New York: “I recently learned from my ...

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Climate Change Causes Winner And Losers In Penguins

Penguin species in the Antarctic that once benefited from rising temperatures are now in decline due to warming gone too far, scientists said Thursday. Previous scientific ...

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True Review : Edge of Tomorrow

Critics Rating:3.5 STARS*

Cast: Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt

Direction:Doug Liman


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