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Madeline’s Madeline is a Coming of Age Indie Film

High Budget movies like Iron Man 3, Black Panther, World War Z, Man ...

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Can India's Groundwater crisis be cured with the help of Technology?

Groundwater in India is a critical resource. However, an increasing number of aquifers are reaching unsustainab...

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Battle for Basic Existence: The Struggles of Widows of Farmers in Maharashtra

Despite taking a multi-pronged approach to improving the income and social security of farmers across India, ov...

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Through The Looking Glass

What happens when the quiet world of children’s books collides with Hollywood?  Nothing much on...

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Clean Atmospheric Water can be harvested by harnessing Natural Gas

Scientists from the University of Texas, Austin, may have figured out a way to kill two environmental birds with one stone. If we use waste ...

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A New Drug to reduce Maternal Deaths during Childbirth

A recent World Bank data puts the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) for India reported in 2015 at 174 per 100,000 ...

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Single Women form the Largest of Women Workforce

I read in an article on The Hindu that despite high g...

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Female Sexuality Needs a Nuanced Direction in Bollywood

Female sexuality is one of the least explored themes in Bollywood, probably due to the fact that filmmakers see...

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Netflix’s Documentaries are Food for the Brain

7 Documentaries To Watch On Netflix That Will Make You Smarter

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Family Planning Essential for a Sustainable Future

There's no right answer to how many children are enough or how many are too many. It all depends on a couple's ...

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