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Yesteryear’s Legends Emerge Favourites on the Web World

The living legend, Lata Mangeshkar, has scored the highest number of likes and followers across generations, on the plethora of socia...

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Spielberg Knows How to Hit the Nostalgia Bone Just Right

Steven Spielberg is an extraordinary director. For anyone whose actual childhood has been marked by Steven Spie...

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Mosaic Art to promote Healing and Well-being

Smashing a hard material to teeny bits, then putting those little shards together again in a way that is beauti...

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The Politicization of Social Media

Back in 2012, a national survey questioned 3,000 young people, ages 15-25 on how they use the Internet, social ...

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Dutch Duo believe 'Stardust' to be an Alternative Raw Matter

Its pretty clear that Earth's resources won't last forever. We’re constantly fighting over land and water...

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The Brilliance of Salvador Dali

The man. The master. The marvel. Salvador Dali is one of the most celebrated artists of all time. His fiercely ...

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Sustainable Development in Capitalistic and Modern Societies

It’s no secret that economic growth and energy have come at the cost of environmental degradation. In answer to this challenge, sustai...

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Where do Women Stand when it comes to Stand-Up Comedy?

When I picture a stand-up comedian in my mind, it’s always a man. This is eerie, yet a sad truth of the comedy industry. Take a trip b...

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Wood: A powerful and valuable solution for Sustainable Structures

Wood is not associated with sustainability as we know that wood comes from forests — so typically, timber is associated with deforesta...

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Trap Door, throws light on Trans Representation and Anti-trans Violence

The increasing representation of trans identity throughout art and popular culture in recent years has been nothing if not paradoxical. Tran...

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