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Moving away from Concrete Jungles to Vertical Forests

The rising heat, melting polar caps, global warming and greenhouse effect are just a few of the grave dangers o...

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New Interactive Tool Brings Climate Change Closer to Home

Wouldn't it be perfect to have an interactive tool that could teach you more about climate change and how it is...

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Love lost in Yesteryear’s Prem Nagar

Prem Nagar – a lovers’ lane – has gone under. That one spot shielded from voyeuristic eyes by...

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Ordinary People making Extraordinary Changes

In our everyday lives, we often overlook the heroes we come across in our everyday life. While celebrating the success of fictional heroes t...

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Short Film Festivals to watch out for in February

Screening at a short film festival is a sure-fire way to start creating a buzz around your film and your career...

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Cape Town Water Crisis: Day Zero Approaches

Back in 2014 Cape Town was described as one of the world’s top “green” cities, and the Democr...

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First Cut – Training the Little Directors in Rajasthan

After a successful stint in mentoring children from various parts of Bihar on the techniques of filmmaking and ...

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The U.S fight over Net Neutrality has an Impact on the Whole World

The US Federal Communications Commission or FCC voted on 14 December to repeal landmark 2015 rules aimed at ensuring a free and open internet, sending chilling wav...

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The Other Dilip Kumar

As the car heaves uphill from the Khar end, I notice a high blue scaffolding covering that familiar old place.  A sign board is clearly visible outside. Despite the sm...

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