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Stan Lee to be a part of TEDxGateway for the first time in Mumbai

To discuss his first Indian Superhero, CHAKRA THE INVINCIBLE!

Mumbai, December, 2013: Stan Lee, Chairman and Chief Creative Officer of POW! Entertainment and the co...

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True Review:Television

The first day of the last month of the year 2013, NDTV telecast a day long telethon Our Girls Our Pride. A soul stirring initiative, indeed. It was a most eye-opening telec...

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2?C rise will be a disaster say leading scientists

Governments have set the wrong target to limit climate change. The goal at present ? to limit global warming to a maximum of 2?C higher than the average for most of human h...

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Ricky Martin Speaks Out For Arctic 30, Continues Work To End Human Trafficking

The busy pop superstar finished off his week by raising the profile of humanitarian causes close to his heart.

On Thursday Martin added his voice to that of ma...

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True Review: Bullett Raja

Tigmanshu Dhulia has created a devastatingly disappointing film. Not that one expects a lot from a movie called “Bullet Raja” but one always hopes for the best....

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Happiness: A Goal Worth Pursuing

As daunting as it may be, defining what makes us happy is imperative in modern society. The Neolithic revolution, which took place approximately 12 thousand years ago, was ...

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Born Wet, Human Babies are 75 percent water,then comes drying.

We are an assemblage of water packets, slightly salty, like the sea we came from. As Loren Eiseley put it, we’re a “concentration” of water, “that i...

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Truth or Dare…? The Alchemy of Desire Deconstructed

I am completely compelled and driven by an intense need to write this piece because I’m no longer now, able to be in denial of the force driving me to give some persp...

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UN Summit on Sustainable Development takes place in Ghana

The University of Ghana is hosting a three day summit on sustainable development. The talks will take place in Legon and will focus on harnessing the power of green economy...

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Watch the ideas take shape, as the city holds the 4th edition of TEDxGateway

~ 26 influential speakers share their innovations for the first time in India ~


~ ...

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