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The Little Time Machine of Arambol, Goa

In a small part of Goa called Arambol lays a quiet and peaceful wellness retreat called Read More

Why Modi Government's Renaming Frenzy is a Political Act of Invasion

You have a right to name that which you have built. But no right to rename that which has been built by oth...

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Aleister Crowley: The Famous and Mystical Poet, Mountaineer and Writer

The son of a devout Christian couple, Edward Alexander Crowley, who was once called “the wickedest man in...

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Why being an Intellectual has become risky in Modi's India

It is difficult to draw the line between an 'ordinary' citizen questioning the fate of his tax money in a tea s...

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Fearless Women and their Formidable Adventures

As normal as it would sound in the present times, women indulging in activities such as climbing to the top of...

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An Artist’s Political Awakening: From painting Moods of the Season to reflecting the Human Condition Today

Today, an Indian artist can’t venture into areas where angels fear to tread. Representation of goddesses,...

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Making Nature’s Biological Assets Visible And Valuable

There is a two-way fluid and potentially infinite interaction and innovation frontier between Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies and Nat...

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An Encyclopaedia of Women Philosophers and Scientists

Although male and female students take philosophy undergraduate courses in almost equal numbers, the number of women who pursue a career in ...

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ICD -11: Simplifying the Codes

Half a century ago, a disease like schizophrenia, would probably never be diagnosed similarly in countries acro...

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Salman Khurshid’s ‘Triple Talaq: Examining Faith’ - A straightforward yet comprehensive view of a complicated issue?

I’m here and writing about Former Minister of External Affairs and Indian National Congress party leader,...

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