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Shibu Natesan: Doing it my way

Khalid Mohamed interviews the eminent artist Shibu Natesan, who has varied from images of political protest to nature studies,...

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Troubled waters: The fishing community of Worli Koliwada

A photo-feature by Vatsal Shah on the beleaguered fishing village of Worli Koliwada, before and after the outbreak of the pand...

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Mind Your Language: Vidya Balan on how to get the ps and qs right

Khalid Mohamed frazzled by today’s Bollywood language, talks to Vidya Balan on how she g...

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Applause: In conversation with Saiyami Kher

Khalid Mohamed in a frankspeak with Saiyami Kher, who has made a huge impact with her performance as a housemaker-cum-bank emp...

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No Entry: Hazards in staging a theatre play in Mumbai

Khalid Mohamed recounts his peril-fraught, one-off experience in staging ‘Kennedy Bridge’, a play on yesteryear&rs...

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Yosemite: A Travelogue

Bhooma Sundararajan transports you to Yosemite and brings you back from an exhilarating journey from there.

Dog Intelligence: A believe-it-or-not story

Abhinav Krishan writes on how ‘telepathic communication’ helped him to find his lost Labrador, after a four-month ...

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Solace: In the time of the Coronavirus

Abhinav Krishan, a New Delhi corporate executive, writes on why he fled to the hills close to Dehradun, to commune with nature...

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The Subtle Dance of Creation

Prasantanu Mohapatra takes you along with him while reminiscing the making of this stunning short film in the lonely campus of...

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Mumbai: A City Smarting

“Thousands of migrant workers walked along the Eastern Express Highway in the hope of reaching back to their villages. They were stopped ...

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