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Looking Back With Concern- Health 2014

A Snapshot of Global Health- 2014

  • Between 2000 and 2012, measles deaths worldwide have been cut by almost 80% ??from 56...

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From the clothes, colors, landscapes, horizons, skies, flora and fauna, complexions, languages to livelihoods and food; everything changes from one kilometer to the other, ...

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Climate Change Could Spread Dengue to the Andes

A new study warns parts of South America currently at a low risk of dengue could see many more cases of the disease in the coming years. Dengue fever could soon spread to S...

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India Slashes Health Budget, Already Among World's Lowest:

The government has ordered a cut of nearly 20 percent in its 2014/15 healthcare budget due to fiscal strains, putting at risk key disease control initiatives in a country w...

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More than 70 per cent of HIV-AIDS patients not diagnosed

More than 70 percent of people suffering from HIV-AIDS are not diagnosed and are not aware that they are suffering from the dreaded disease. I S Gilada, president of AIDS s...

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80% of smokeless tobacco users in India, Bangladesh: report

The first-ever report on the global use and public health impact of smokeless tobacco has found that more than 300 million people in at least 70 countries use the carcinoge...

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Richard Branson Launches Study To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

Richard Branson and Virgin Unite have launched a new study aimed at reversing Type 2 Diabetes. “The Caribbean, where I’ve been living for nearly four decades no...

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Safe babies for HIV-infected mothers

Motherhood is a feeling every woman wants to experience. HIV-infected women are no exceptions. Like normal expecting mothers, they too can deliver a baby who is not HIV inf...

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HIV Evolving, Becoming Milder

A new study suggests that HIV seems to be evolving in a positive way. Unlike other bacteria that grow more resistant to drugs, HIV is gradually becoming milder "It is quite...

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New Measles Report: 3 Reasons We Need to Step Up Our Work

Parents around the world want their children to have the chance to lead healthy, productive lives. The measles vaccine is an essential public health tool to protect childre...

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