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Over 900 Human Rights Violation Cases Pending

Over 900 cases of human rights violation in various forms, including that of by men in uniform, are still pending before the Assam Human Rights Commission (AHRC). This can ...

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Harnessing Local Pride For Global Conservation

The toughest problems to solve are the ones that are hard to detect and require humans to change their behavior. That puts conservation at the top of the list. According to...

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Bill Gates Launches Chicken Plan To Help Africa Poor

Microsoft founder Bill Gates has launched a campaign to help extremely poor families in sub-Saharan Africa by giving them chickens.
The billionaire and philanthropist ...

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1.46 Lakh Lives Lost On Indian Roads Last Year

An official report, released by Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari on Thursday, said 1.46 lakh people were killed in road accidents in India in 2015 &...

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Kaleidoscope - Honesty Or Racism?

It’s a hot topic right now—millions of refugees from Islamic countries flocking to Europe and tilting the population balance. Already, prophets of doom are pred...

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Transgenders’ Welfare Now In Charter Of Work By Ministry Of Social Justice

The Union Government has included welfare of transgender persons in charter of work to be handled by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, following demands from civi...

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All European Scientific Articles Should Be Freely Accessible by 2020

The European Union member states want to ensure that all scientific articles are freely accessible by 2020 so that anyone can optimally reuse research data.
At the mee...

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Child Rights Panels Go Half Empty

Half the posts in India's state child right commissions are vacant and only a fourth of these panels are fully formed, data the government has placed in the Supreme Court s...

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Stonehenge, Easter Island, Venice: Climate Change Will Destroy Human History

Cultural heritage sites are beacons of our remarkable legacy as a species. They’re as diverse and complex as humanity itself, which is why UNESCO has designated 802 o...

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Australia Scrubbed From UN Climate Change Report After Government Intervention

Every reference to Australia was scrubbed from the final version of a major UN report on climate change after the Australian government intervened, objecting that the infor...

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