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Revisiting The Epics

It is difficult to get young, urban audiences interested in classical dance, and perhaps even more so to interest them in mythology.


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Short Film Festivals to watch out for in February

Screening at a short film festival is a sure-fire way to start creating a buzz around your film and your career...

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Boost Your Health By Being Creative

“If you hear a voice within you say, ‘You cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that vo...

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Study Reveals Fall in Justice Globally

A recent study revealed that there has been a fall in people getting basic justice worldwide. The Read More

Is Freedom of Speech Facing a Debacle in our Free Nation?

Give me the liberty to know, to utter and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.” -John Milton, Areopagitica.

It ...

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Transgender Community hopes for a brighter future in 2018

The transgender community is incredibly diverse. Some transgender people identify as male or female, and some identity as genderqueer, non-b...

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Cultural Entrepreneurship in India

India’s cultural heritage goes back over 5000 years even before the much discussed Indus Valley Civilization. Since the advent of recorded history there is enough evi...

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Feminism and High Art

In London Contemporary Music Festival this year, among other things, one can take the chance to experience a fairly different sort of music- background music from a pornogr...

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Waiting for the Ban on Banning of Banning!

While the intentions of outright banning books, art, music, symbols, statues, or behaviour are usually always good—desires to end raci...

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And now Stevie, a Robot to care for the Elderly and Disabled

It was only a month ago when we read about Sophia, the first female robot to get citizenship in Saudi Arabia. With the ability to show emotion she is no less than a human. ...

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