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Chronic Diseases Are Killing More in Poorer Countries

Chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease are rising fast in low- and middle-income countries, striking far younger populations than in rich countries and causing much...

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Idris Elba Partners With African Soccer Stars To Fight Ebola

The CDC Foundation, actor Idris Elba and a global team of African soccer stars, international health and aid organizations today announced the launch of Africa United, a gl...

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Mandy Moore and PSI Talk Foreign Aid and Male Circumcision

Population Services International director Marshall Stowell and global ambassador (and actor) Mandy Moore work with the NGO to bring health services to developing countries...

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Smallpox, polio and HIV: the fights we’re winning against infectious disease

Only one human disease, smallpox, has ever been eradicated entirely. But great strides have been made against lots of other major killers

You are, ...

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Vinta Nanda, the Founder & Managing Director of the Asian Center for Entertainment Ed...

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Drugs on EMI

People in an extremely backward Haryana town, where almost every fifth person has hepatitis C, are forced to seek treatment on EMIs

High i...

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The Subjectivity Of Madness

“Those who were dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music” is a quote often attributed to Friedrich Nietzsche, although is the sub...

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David Beckham Supports UNICEF's Fight Against Ebola

UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador David Beckham is supporting our fight against Ebola through a video message to be broadcast across Sierra Leone ??one of the worst-affected count...

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What Nigeria did to become Ebola-free

Technology combined with good detective work was instrumental in Nigeria?? fight against Ebola Nigeria, Africa?? most populous country and the one to have been recently hit...

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Emma Bunton Launches 9th Annual Pampers UNICEF 1 Pack = 1 Vaccine Campaign

Celebrity mum Emma Bunton is inviting parents across the UK and Ireland to join together and support the launch of the 9th Pampers and UNICEF ?? pack = 1 vaccine??campaign ...

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