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Remembering TV Shows That Speak About AIDS.

Thirty years ago, the nation was in a crisis mode, agonising over the AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) virus. There are an estimated 10 lakh people currently livi...

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Retroscope - Unsung Talents

It was the day they got married, remembers Mrs Salil Chowdhury, chuckling to herself, when the letter arrived inviting Chowdhury to Bombay. The particular letter that was t...

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15th River To River - Press Release And Invite For The Pre-Opening Exhibition.

A tribute to Deepa Mehta, known all over the world for her Elements trilogy. On Sunday 6 December (8.30 pm), the Indian director will present ...

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183 Films At Chennai Film Festival

The Chennai International Film Festival, which has made a name for itself in the last twelve years, will feature 183 films from 50 countries, including a tribute to the leg...

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HIV Cases Dip, High-Risk Groups Still A Worry

HIVAIDS epidemic.? The first 29 years were marked with victory as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) metamorphosed from being the deadliest word in public health to jus...

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Asia's Aids Epidemic Needs Urgent Action To Prevent Even More Deaths

At a time when HIV is in retreat globally, new infections are on the rise among some groups of adolescents in the Asia-Pacific region and globally.
This increase is la...

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Mobile Dating Apps Spur HIV Epidemic Among Asia’s Teenagers, Says UN

Smartphone technology has increased the opportunities for casual sex and led to a spike in HIV infections among teenagers in Asia, researchers find United Nations research ...

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Ending Violence Against Women: How Far Have We Come?

“We are determined to prevent and eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls.” With this declaration at the 1995 United Nations Fourth World Confer...

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Bill Gates To Launch Clean Energy Project On Sidelines Of Paris Climate Talks.

Microsoft co-founder will announce multi-billion-dollar Initiative Cleantech on opening day of two-week climate summit alongside Barack Obama Microsoft co-founder Bill Gate...

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Bond Forever

As the latest James Bond film, Spectre become a global hit, and rakes 31.9 crores on opening weekend in India, despite the ‘kiss’ controversy, the one criticism...

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