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‘THE DARK KNIGHT’ Director Christopher Nolan Making Climate Change Apocalypse Film

Director Christopher Nolan cagily denied his Batman film trilogy had a conservative streak.

The trilogy’s take on terrorism and an Occupy Wall Street-styled f...

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In 2000, the UN set eight goals that changed the world. They expire in 2015, what next?


Although it was several years ago, I still remember how Melinda and I felt when we learned about the Millennium Development Goals. We were ho...

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Violence versus Women is an everyday occurrence in cities. Learn what the UN is doing 2 make cities safer

Sexual harassment and other forms of sexual violence in public spaces are an everyday occurrence for women and girls around the world—in urban and rural areas, in dev...

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A Shifting Balance of Power

The notion and practice of power is arguably what creates and maintains large societies. Since the role of government is conceived to be so integral in safeguarding our soc...

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Hesperian-- A Treasure Trove for Writers who love health

If you are serious about “scripting for life”, you are likely to land up at Hesperian Digital Commons some day. Sarah Shannon who is the executive director...

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Polio cases in Syria spark alarm over rise in diseases including flesh-eating parasites due to civil war

The World Health Organisation has recorded the first suspected outbreak of polio for 14 years in Syria, sparking renewed alarm at the collapse of health care caused by the ...

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Investors ask fossil fuel companies to assess how business plans fare in low-carbon future.

BOSTON, MA Oct 24, 2013:
A group of 70 global investors managing more than $3 trillion of collective assets today launched the first-ever coordinated effort to spur 45...

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Nuclear power plant in Japan moves radioactive water to facilitate damage control for Typhoon Francisco.

Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant is bracing itself for Typhoon Francisco, set to hit the country this weekend, by quickly securing new storage space for contamin...

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The Curious Case of The Dogs in The Highrise Towers

It’s been since 1989 in one of the upper end high middle class towers in Mumbai, where I have resided on and off over the years, that I have shared a sort of secret l...

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MAMI day 2 closes on a high note

If grandeur met art on Day 1, Day 2 of the 15th edition of the Mumbai Film Festival organized by the Mumbai Association of Moving Images (MAMI) and presented by Reliance En...

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