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Antibiotic resistance emerging to be a major Public Health Crisis

Antibiotic use plays a key role in the emerging public health crisis of antibiotic resistance. Although the majority of antibiotic use occurs in agricultural set...

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The Jellyfish are taking over our Oceans!

Climate change influences the environment in many ways, but who knew this could also affect the increasing population of jellyfish or lead to the so-called “jellyfish...

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Old Railway Coaches to shelter the Homeless this Winter

Winter is here! While we are lucky enough to spend the nights snugged up in a warm and cosy blanket, the down-and-outers don't even have a roof over their head. In November...

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Global Warming leads to an Increase in the Six-legged Creatures

There has been a significant increase in insects such as mosquitoes and bed bugs over the years. That means it is highly likely for you to spot them more in your homes, and...

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Cows produce more Greenhouse Gases than Cars

We've been blaming vehicles for causing global warming but not many know that livestock sector is one of the leading causes of climate change, responsible for more greenhou...

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WHO Guidelines for responding to Sexually Abused Children

Sexual violence can have psychological, emotional, and physical effects on children. These effects aren’t always easy to deal with, but with the right help and suppor...

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#EyeOnClimate – to Make this World a Better Place to Live

Although climate change presents one of the greatest threats to the future of our children and our planet, many perceive this issue as distant and abstract. Naturally, peop...

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Now, a Fatwa that bans posting pictures Online

The Darul Uloom Deoband School in Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh, which ranks amongst the top Islamic schools India has issued a fatwa banning Muslims from uploading pi...

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Air Pollution than AIDS and TB kills more people in India

A report published by The Lancet Commission on pollution and health ranks India the No. 1 spot for pollution-related deaths with 2.51 million deaths in 2015. The S...

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Why Thunderstorms are Occurring more Frequently all over the World?

Each year, many people are killed or seriously injured by severe thunderstorms despite the advance warning. While severe thunderstorms are most common in the spring and sum...

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