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Celebrating Art - Kokuyo Camlin celebrates ‘World Art Day’

Mumbai, 18th April 2016 – Celebrating and reveling in the arts, well-known stationery and art brand, Kokuyo Camlin has ce...

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Newly Discovered State Of Matter Could Be A Breakthrough For Quantum Computing

Physicists have finally detected the existence of a mysterious new state of matter known as quantum spin liquid in a real material.This new discovery is not only exciting i...

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The Recycling Reflex

What if there were something that could create 1.5 million new jobs, reduce carbon emissions equal to taking 50 million cars off the road, cut dependence on foreign oil, in...

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Retroscope : The Date

I reached a little after 11 a.m. the hour family courts open in Bandra East. In the lobby stood my husband’s assistant. Seeing me, the man quickly shifted his ga...

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Print May Become The Past As Technology Revolution Takes Over

In recent weeks, Paul Lee, senior analyst with the professional services giant Deloitte, has been offering a remarkably upbeat prognosis for the future of UK media.His visi...

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Farhan Firebird: How Class Politics Neglects White Working Class Girls

There's a risk that staging a play about the Rochdale child sex rings could descend into voyeuristic rehashing of real-life horrors. Luckily, Phil Davies has, in his debut ...

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New Material Lifts Technology From Desert Beetle, Harvests Water From Air

The global water scene should strike fear into the hearts of even the most privileged of middle-class Americans. There will be good years and there will be worse years, but...

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New Material Lifts Technology From Desert Beetle, Harvests Water From Air

The global water scene should strike fear into the hearts of even the most privileged of middle-class Americans. There will be good years and there will be worse years, but...

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Engineers Devise A Way To Harvest Wind Energy From Trees

Harvesting electrical power from vibrations or other mechanical stress is pretty easy. Turns out all it really takes is a bit of crystal or ceramic material and a couple of...

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True Review - Two New Shows Of Relevance

In the last few weeks, two channels have espoused women empowerment in their new offerings at Prime Time. Star Plus premiered Tamanna last week, before that Colors launched...

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