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Protect your Teens from these Unsafe Apps on their Phones

If a parent has a kid old enough to use a Smartphone, chances are there to be worried about what they are doing on social media. It is right to be concerned, as there are p...

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World Economic Forum attempts to integrate gender and equality into broader discussions

On the night of 22nd January (Tuesday), JPMorgan chief Jamie Dimon checked in to the Panorama Hotel in Davos to have an informal discussio...

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National Museum of Indian Cinema inaugurated in Mumbai

In the recent days, Bollywood celebrities were flying on and off for a meeting with the Prime Minister to discuss the issues on reducing GST on...

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How much is too much? Over-involved parents doing more harm than good

Parents play a major role inculcating values in their children. In the modern era, parents are so busy with their children’s lives; they ...

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Bollywood rejoices after the slash of GST on movie tickets

The Bollywood producer-director Karan Johar shared a picture on social media after a meet with Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with Bollywoo...

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At COP24 in Poland, Countries come together to implement the 2015 Paris Agreement

The United Nations COP24 two-week climate change conference had gathered almost 200 parties in Katowice, Poland on t...

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The Men Against Gender Injustice Collective speaks on Sexism in the Music Industry

The Men Against Gender Injustice Collective hosted a music event at Brisbane on Sunday in order to encourage themselves to confront th...

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‘Evening Shadows’ continues to woo Audiences across the World

Evening Shadows, the multiple awards winning Hindi feature film by Sridhar Rangayan, is continuing its winning streak of awards and fe...

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UN Security Council meets to discuss Impact of War on People with Disabilities

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities came into force in May 2008, and has so far been signed by 130 countries. It enshr...

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Technology, a Key Driver to close Gender-gap at Workplace

Technology is now a big part of our society and our foreseeable future. There is little room for people that wish to live without technology, and luckily, it is still advan...

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