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Get Ready For An Explosion Of Mining On The Ocean Floor

Last week, noted billionaire Richard Branson issued a call for more comprehensive protection of the Arctic, which in turn prompted some people to say rude things to him. Se...

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Why The Paris Climate Talks Won’t Be Another Copenhagen

The much-hyped 2009 Copenhagen climate summit yielded only a flimsy accord. But, Sydney University professor Nick Rowley writes that the 2015 Paris climate talks are not li...

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??India lives in her villages,? is a quote attributed to Mahatma Gandhi. ?This isn't the exact quote, though. Gandhiji actually wrote, ?India is not Calcutta and Bombay. In...

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Wisconsin Agency Bans Talk of Climate Change

The state treasurer in Wisconsin declined to explain his views about climate change a day after leading the effort to ban a small state agency from talking about rising tem...

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Is 'Game of Thrones' aiding the global debate on climate change?

LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - In the continent of Westeros in the hit television series "Game of Thrones", humankind is coming under threat from a zombie-like race ...

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AIF To Host Global Health Leaders At MANSI Summit In Boston

American India Foundation (AIF) will hold its inaugural Maternal and Neonatal Survival Initiative (MANSI) Summit at the Conference Centre, Merck Research Laboratories, Bost...

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Deciphering PM Narendra Modi's Climate Change Gambit

Prime Minister Modi raised the matter first at the United Nations last year, then when US President Obama visited India, and a third time on Monday this week at the state e...

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Political Apathy, Unplanned Urbanisation Make Vector-Borne Diseases Hard To Control in India

Only 60 per cent of the total plan outlay for vector-borne diseases spent between 2007 to2013; lack of co-ordination between ministries and state agencies a major hurdle in...

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March Had Lowest Air Pollution In 4 Years, IITM Scientists Say

This March recorded the lowest particulate matter (PM2.5) levels-fine, respirable pollutants-in the past four years. While this could seem like a relief at the moment, scie...

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World Health Day 2015: From Farm to Plate, Make Food Safe

New data on the harm caused by foodborne illnesses underscore the global threats posed by unsafe foods, and the need for coordinated, cross-border action across the entire ...

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