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An Artist’s Political Awakening: From painting Moods of the Season to reflecting the Human Condition Today

Today, an Indian artist can’t venture into areas where angels fear to tread. Representation of goddesses,...

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ICD -11: Simplifying the Codes

Half a century ago, a disease like schizophrenia, would probably never be diagnosed similarly in countries acro...

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Beautiful Resistance: Why Protest In All Art Matters

Recently I was at a dinner party of my peers, which is to say: Not Young People. (Thus far, most Generation Xers refuse to refer to themselves as middle-aged, though we sur...

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CORO and and Photography Promotion Trust (PPT) co-host ‘Right to City’ photography exhibition at Kala Ghoda Arts Festival 2017

Together, CORO and PPT hope to tackle the crucial issue of the exclusion of marginalized populations in India. The emphasis of this project is to highlight the value of div...

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Mirrors: Capturing And Recording The Collective Consciousness Through Media

In the recent wake of the Yakub Memon case, opinions have been polarized creating a rift, a schism of thought and identity has manifested in the nation’s collective c...

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An outsider’s look into the conceptual polarity of Schizophrenia and Depression

“The creativity of people on the schizophrenic end of the human continuum is a creativity that springs from the inability to accept the standardized cultural denials ...

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Binary Opposition: The Illusion Of Duality

10001110101001 is a line of binary code, each number represents one possibility, yes or no. Descartes professed in his philosophy, the idea of Car...

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Binary Opposition: The Illusion Of Duality

10001110101001 is a line of binary code, each number represents one possibility, yes or no. Descartes professed in his philosophy, the idea of Cartesian dualism: the separa...

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