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Kanan Devan to bring 3,000 growers of TN, Kerala under Rainforest Alliance

Kanan Devan Hills Plantations Company is taking initiative to bring around 3,000 small growers in Kerala and Tamil Nadu under the ambit of the Rainforest Alliance (RA) Cert...

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Farmers' battle to cope with climate change could spark rural renewal

Shifting world agriculture to a "climate-smart" approach will not only help prevent future food security crises but holds the promise of sparking economic and agricultural ...

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Haryana government approves comprehensive agriculture policy

The Haryana government today approved a comprehensive agriculture policy aimed at attaining inclusive growth exceeding four per cent in the farm sector. The state governmen...

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Why climate change hits the world?s poor harder

You?re living in Sub-Saharan Africa during a drought entering its second year. The diminished harvests have left you without enough food, and your family is trying to figur...

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Joss Stone Visits Prince Harry’s Charity In Lesotho

British singer Joss Stone is currently touring in North Africa, and gave up some of her time to help out at a horse therapy session for disabled children in Morocco. The so...

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New degree in Sustainable Agriculture launched at Hertfordshire

The BSc (Hons) in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security has been designed around internationally recognized expertise and facilities at four partner institutions all lo...

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Artic releasing methane alarmingly faster than thought

US Methane Emissions Are 70% Higher Than Previously Estimated a new Harvard report says, reports Bobby Magill at Climate Central. Southeast oil and gas operations are emitt...

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