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Aquaguard & Network 18 To Honour ‘Water Heroes’ At The ‘Jaldaan’ Grand Finale

Mumbai, March 24, 2017:The first season of the ‘JalDaan movement’, Network18 &Aquaguard’s social campaign around creating awareness and generating sol...

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Not So Accessible After All

Irony: a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often wryly amusing as a result. Now that we have the definition of irony ...

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Impact Of Budget 2017 On Healthcare Sector: High On Ambition, Low On Vision

Much has been written and spoken about India’s healthcare system, its creaking facilities, its shortage of doctors, its lack of insurance coverage and the rising burd...

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Here’s How Hospitals Are Trying To Improve Accessibility For Visually Impaired Patients

India is taking great strides to provide accessibility to the disabled in the country. However, the medical centre unfortunately seems to have a lot of ground to cover. Ano...

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Increasing male participation, key to the success of India's Family Planning programme

On World Vasectomy Day, 2016 we must reiterate that all methods of contraception need to be voluntary and based on the specific need of each individual opting for it. Dr Do...

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India to become the world leader in Digital Health

In May this year, India had tabled a resolution at WHO for mHealth, which was supported by over 30 nations. This clearly signals India's intent to be a global leader in Dig...

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Meet The Indian Girl Who Won $1 Million Hult Prize & Is Solving Transportation Issues In Kenya

“Lags in the transportation system are a big issue in many countries and it is something that is often overlooked even though people use it on a daily basis. When tra...

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Country's First Accessibility Audit Fails To Find A Single Disabled Friendly Building

India's first accessibility audit of buildings and public places has not found a single completely disabled-friendly building, exposing terrible plight of people with disab...

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Culture Of Silence Around Disability Influences Bad Policy

Disability in India has long been misunderstood and persons with disability in India for decades now have lived on the fringes of society – excluded, marginalised and...

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8 Apps Revolutionising Maternal Health Care In Developing Nations

In a global community that often treats health care as a luxury rather than a necessity, the world’s mothers are arguably some of those most impacted by inequality in...

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