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Mothers Helping Mothers To Live With H.I.V.

When Teresa Njeri got pregnant in 2001 in Kiambu, a suburb of Nairobi, it was the end of the world.   She was joyous about the pregnancy — but an AIDS test showe...

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Melbourne International Film Festival Must-Sees

The complete 2015 Melbourne International Film Festival program has been announced and we must admit to feeling slightly overwhelmed by the sheer number of intriguing films...

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High Prices Of Food Lead To Malnutrition, Says Study

High food prices result in malnutrition in India, says a study done on children from Andhra Pradesh. The research published in the Journal of Nutrition says spikes in food ...

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MDR-TB Spreads Less Within Households

There are greater chances of controlling the spread due to its lower fitness Unlike people with drug-susceptible TB, those with multi drug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) are less li...

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The Past 15 Years — And What Remains To Be Done.

Achievements include more children surviving past their fifth birthdays, fewer cases of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, improvements in child nutrition, higher rates o...

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Angelina Jolie’s Powerful Speech On What Women Really Need From Men

Angelina Jolie Pitt gave a powerful speech on June 11 at the biannual African Union Summit, using her star power to draw attention to women’s rights across the globe....

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Caste Scars Gender Reality In K’shetra Village

Male child boom in upper caste families as girls’ ratio stands at 308Upper caste families of Mangoli Jattan village — having the worst gender ratio in the distr...

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Note These Shows, Please

When scriptwriters and producers think out of the box and rope in actors to support their fresh thinking, one can see the emergence of shows which could make viewers sit up...

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“Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains” quoted Jean Jacques Rousseau, the famous French philosopher. The history of mankind has been the history of ev...

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Piracy And The Right To Entertainment

Walking through a busy Pali market in Bandra, Mumbai, on Saturdays, it’s almost certain to see ladies haggling over the size and shape of fruits and vegetables with t...

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