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Is Freedom of Speech Facing a Debacle in our Free Nation?

Give me the liberty to know, to utter and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.” -John Milton, Areopagitica.

It ...

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Rural India has less than one Doctor for 1000 People

In a country like India where the population is on its boom, there is still less than one doctor for 1000 people, a study by healthcare info...

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The Loopholes in Mental Healthcare Act 2017

Mental Health has never been considered a "real disease" in India. When it comes to depression, people often joke about it by saying, "it's ...

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Cultural Entrepreneurship in India

India’s cultural heritage goes back over 5000 years even before the much discussed Indus Valley Civilization. Since the advent of recorded history there is enough evi...

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Indian Women are Marching Ahead

India is a complex country. We have, through centuries, developed various types of customs, traditions and practices. These customs and traditions, good as well as bad, hav...

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What’s gone wrong with TV news in India

Broadcast news has dominated as the major source of news and information across the world for over 3 decades. This was all the more possible...

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The Little Directors of Dr Shravan Kumar

Dr. Shravan Kumar, CEO, Children’s Film Society, India says,“Our concept of Little Directors has been one of the most unique experiments anywhere in the wor...

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CFSI’s Little Directors and Project Nawada bring out the best in the Children of Bihar

The power of educating through a film is manifold, proven time and again. How can we place it at the heart of young people's learning experiences? Project NAWADA is about t...

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Air Pollution than AIDS and TB kills more people in India

A report published by The Lancet Commission on pollution and health ranks India the No. 1 spot for pollution-related deaths with 2.51 million deaths in 2015. The S...

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Prayers bring Hindu and Muslim communities together

"Bengal’s Durga Puja is a social festival first and a religious festival later" - Suddhabrata Deb

“Right from the puja mela (fair) to being res...

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