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Climate Change Might Be Causing These Huge Craters in Siberia

Reports of new methane-eruption craters in the Siberian permafrost have piqued the interest of scientists around the higher latitudes who see it as a new sign of a warming ...

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A Mumbai-based non-profit organisation, SNEHA targets four large public health areas: ...

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Millions at risk from rapid sea rise in Sundarbans

The tiny hut sculpted out of mud at the edge of the sea is barely large enough for Bokul Mondol and his family to lie down. The water has taken everything else from them, a...

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Deeper Ties to Corporate Cash for Doubtful Climate Researcher

For years, politicians wanting to block legislation on climate change have bolstered their arguments by pointing to the work of a handful of scientists who claim that green...

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Climate change hampering world food production: scientists

The acceleration climate change and its impact on agricultural production means that profound societal changes will be needed in coming decades to feed the world's growing ...

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Synthetic vaccine sought to finally eradicate polio

An international team of scientists is to try to develop a wholly artificial vaccine to combat polio.

The disease is very...

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Geoengineering is an insane way to deal with climate change. Let’s consider it anyway.

Geoengineering — the idea of deliberately fiddling with the Earth’s climate to reduce global warming — has long been seen as an insane, preposterous, mad-...

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The Sickeningly Low Vaccination Rates at Silicon Valley Day Cares

The scientists, technologists, and engineers who populate Silicon Valley and the California Bay Area deserve their reputation as innovators, building entire new economies o...

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Barrier Reef coral genetically altered in hope of surviving climate change

Coral species from different climes being mixed as a form of ?assisted evolution? to see if it will help them adapt more quickly to rising sea temperatures The Australian g...

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Climate change is lifting Iceland – and it could mean more volcanic eruptions

Land moving upward faster than researchers expected at 1.4in every year, allowing ‘hot potato’ rocks to rise Iceland is rising because of climate change, with l...

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