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HIV at Delivery More Likely when Treatment Starts Late in Pregnancy

Women who initiate highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) or who have their first prenatal visit in the third trimester are more likely to have HIV detected at delive...

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Women, Newborns and Health: Today’s Evidence, Tomorrow’s Post-2015 Agenda

2014 was an inspiring year for those fighting for women’s rights and better access to health and education, with global campaigns such as #HeForShe launched by Goodwi...

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Family Planning and Reproductive Health

More than 222 million women worldwide want to avoid pregnancy, but are not using a modern method of contraception. Enabling couples to determine whether, when and how often...

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Software to review maternal deaths to be launched in 4 dists

The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare will implement maternal death review (MDR) software as a pilot project in Srinagar, Kulgam, and Jammu, Ramban districts. The...

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Maternal vitamin D deficiency associated with preterm birth

Preterm birth is a leading cause of neonatal mortality worldwide and has even been associated with long-term health problems for the mother. While the cause of preterm birt...

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A new-look health mission in the New Year?

Handheld Android devices, with capability for performing several point of care diagnostics and in-built decision support systems, can greatly empower Auxiliary Nurse Midwiv...

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Entertainment Education Shows

Entertainment-Education is the process of purposely designing and implementing a media message to both entertain and educate. This is done to increase audience members??kno...

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Health Min to strengthen maternal & child tracking systems

In a bid to improve child sex ratio by providing better antenatal and pre-natal care to women in the country, the Health Ministry is planning to strengthen its Maternal and...

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National Seminar on Tribal Health Issues

More than a decade of research has shown that small and affordable measures can significantly reduce the health risks that women face when they become pregnant. Most matern...

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30% adolescent girls in Jalna suffer from anaemia

A survey carried out in Jalna district has revealed that acute anaemia is crippling girl students, especially those aged between 14 and 16 years. The study, initiated by gy...

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