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Fighting climate change could end up costing more than dealing with its effects

Regardless of how the world’s governments choose to attempt to contain global warming at 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, it’s going to cost them....

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Sun is the leading cause of our climate change

In an Antarctic rescue of global warming believers that can only be described as poetic, the headlines keep on coming. Activists, researchers and journalists of the Russian...

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Climate change could be worse than anyone thought

Expressed in the language of science, the paper does not generate a feeling of great alarm: “Equilibrium climate sensitivity refers to the ultimate change in global m...

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Despite Bitter Cold Weekend in US, Climate Models Indicate Global Warming is Intensifying

The Australian based Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science has released a new study arguing that climate models have underestimated the extent to which the doubli...

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Climate alert as study shows planet heating ‘faster than ever’

SCIENTISTS say the world’s climate is warming faster than had been feared because previous predictions were too “optimistic” and overestimated the cooling...

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Scientists to create future climate conditions under Antarctic waters

Scientists are preparing to mimic predicted ocean conditions in Antarctica.

Under climate change modelling, scientists predict polar waters will absorb greater conc...

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Can carbon budgets divert the world from dangerous climate change?

It's not a pretty picture. The IPCC is brutally honest about where it can't provide certainty, such as the exact extent of specific kinds of extreme weather in th...

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A collection of individual stories of indigenous population of Mumbai – the East Indians – a community that is no longer si...

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Jack Andraka made a breakthrough in cancer detection that had eluded pharmaceutical companies and legions of PhDs

Andraka’s test provides an answer on the spot in five minutes with what he estimates is close to 100 percent accuracy. It involves a simple strip of filter paper dipp...

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