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Breaking Down the Walls between Education Research and Schools

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ― Mahatma Gandhi...

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This Mother’s Day Help the Moms in Crisis

Last Sunday was Mother's Day. You would probably know about it, thanks to the zillion social media posts that w...

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Nature makes us Happier, Healthier and More Creative

Imagine how easy life would be if a single pill could cure stress, anxiety or even deadly diseases like cancer....

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The Himalayan Biodiversity in Jeopardy

The aesthetic beauty of Himalayas is indescribable in words. Let's dig into some facts: The Indian Himalayan re...

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The Effectiveness of Life-saving Vaccines

One hundred years ago, infectious diseases were the main cause of death worldwide, even in the most developed c...

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Theatre Festivals still in an Amorphous Stage in India

Going out on a weekend to watch a theatre play is not what comes to one's mind in India. Those who watch plays ...

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Giuseppe Verdi’s Masterpiece: A Retirement Home for Musicians

The problem of old age loneliness persists among retired musicians too. Giuseppe Verdi, an Italian opera compos...

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Research shows a link between Severe Anaemia and Maternal Death

New research has used one of the largest available datasets on pregnant women to investigate the risk of death associated with anaemia. Recentl...

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TED talks the Audacious Project

TED, the non-profit known for its immensely popular video lectures—or TED Talks— has announced the ...

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Haidar Ali @70 & His Familial Film Heritage: A Treasure Trove

Voter-India ought to be voting Nirbhaya (unafraid) in 2018/ 2019 also for the freedom of Film India, Fashion In...

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