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Innovation is the key to fight AIDS

India has made recent developments with respect to fighting against AIDS and has seen around
50% decline in new cases of AIDS. It is important to educate the rural are...

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Come back to, feds urge those seeking insurance

The federal government has been calling out to over 275,000 people who couldn’t enroll at the new
health insurance website and encouraged them to try again.


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‘Unequal care work blocks gender equality’- UN expert

Unpaid care work like cooking, caring for children and elderly leads to poverty and
isolation of women if not identified, says Magdalena Sepúlveda, Special Rapp...

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President Obama offers apologies to Americans who have lost their health insurances as a result of the new law

In his latest public attempt to gather support for the the Affordable Health Care Act President Obama was apologetic considering that insurance companies are reportedly can...

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Bringing Obama care To Your Favorite TV Show. Foundation spending $500K to educate TV writers on new healthcare law.

A private California foundation has raised half-a-million dollars to promote the new health care reform law on TV shows by educating script writers about it.

The Ca...

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Obama: I take full responsibility for fixing health site

US President Barack Obama has accepted “full responsibility” for ensuring the troubled healthcare website gets fixed.

Speaking in Boston, he said he was...

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Delivering World-Class Health Care, Affordably

India might be the last place on earth where you’d expect to find health care innovation. Government programs have finally brought some infectious diseases under cont...

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India’s gender gap record among the world’s worst

MUMBAI: A plummeting child sex ratio is largely to blame for India’s poor performance in the 2013 Global Gender Gap Index released by the World Economic Forum. India ...

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