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2015: the year businesses recognize that climate change is real

With new climate policies, civil unrest and supply-chain disruptions in 2014, more businesses are becoming activists It would be an understatement to say that a lot happene...

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14 infographics of the biggest global development moments of 2014

2014 was a big year for global development. The Ebola crisis proved why aid and strong health systems in developing countries matter. The growing inequality gap helped put ...

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Women?s empowerment key to ending violence

DOREEN NAWA, Lusaka UNDER the banner “Peace begins at home: End violence, empower women” Gender Links is calling for a radical shift in approaches to ending vio...

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At Miss World Pageant, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Honoured for Charity Work

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was yesterday honoured with a special award at a glittering Miss World 2014 ceremony here for her charity work. The 41-year-old actress appeared on s...

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HIV Evolving, Becoming Milder

A new study suggests that HIV seems to be evolving in a positive way. Unlike other bacteria that grow more resistant to drugs, HIV is gradually becoming milder "It is quite...

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UNCF Partners With New Film SELMA To Support Minority Education

UNCF and the Ad Council are joining Paramount Pictures to launch a series of public service advertisements (PSAs) featuring footage from the upcoming film SELMA and origina...

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Chronic Diseases Are Killing More in Poorer Countries

Chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease are rising fast in low- and middle-income countries, striking far younger populations than in rich countries and causing much...

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Idris Elba Partners With African Soccer Stars To Fight Ebola

The CDC Foundation, actor Idris Elba and a global team of African soccer stars, international health and aid organizations today announced the launch of Africa United, a gl...

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Historic WASH Summit inaugurated in Rishikesh to save lives of children

Today marked a landmark moment in the history of India. Some of the most renowned leaders and greatest minds across the globe have come together and joined hands in the &ld...

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How close are we to finding a cure for HIV?

World Aids Day takes place on 1 December, with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) continuing to be a major global public health issue. So far, Acquired Immunodeficiency...

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