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Shoppers Must Use Their Purchasing Power To Lead Green Products Revolution

Whenever the battle against toxic chemicals makes headlines, it’s usually linked to huge, sprawling disasters like Flint’s poisoned water or BPA-laden plastics ...

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Smart Energy Technology 'Stymied By Current Policy'

Smart technology that could shave £90 off household energy bills and curb carbon emissions is being stymied by government policy, a leading thinktank has said. In a w...

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The Hydropower Paradox: Is This Energy As Clean As It Seems?

In July, UN Secretary Ban Ki-Moon highlighted the role of hydropower in boosting the use of renewable energy globally, when he visited a nonprofit institute in China that h...

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Shipping Industry Agrees To Cap Sulphur Emissions By 2020

The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) agreed on Thursday to set a cap on the sulphur content of marine fuels, in a move that campaigners predict will...

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Elon Musk Hits Back At Coal Baron Who Called Him A 'Fraud' Over Green Subsidies

Tesla founder Elon Musk has hit back against the CEO of a coal power company who accused him of fraud.
Robert Murray, an outspoken Donald Trump supporter and the CEO o...

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True Review Movie - Raman Raghav

Cast: Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Vicky Kaushal.

Direction: Anurag Kashyap

Produced: Anurag Kashyap, Vikas Bahl, Vikramaditya Motwane, Madhu Mantena.


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Business And Academic Leaders Urge New Conversation About Coal-Free Future

They also say the public may not realise it but a carbon price has already been built into Australia’s economy with the Turnbull government’s decision, at the P...

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Meet Nasa’s New Electric Plane: 'Maxwell'

On Friday NASA announced
that the space agency is ready to test a new and experimental all-electric plane, the X-57, or “Maxwell.” It will sport 14 electri...

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CO2 Turned Into Stone In Iceland In Climate Change Breakthrough

The unique project promises a cheaper and more secure way of burying CO2 from fossil fuel burning underground, where it cannot warm the planet. Such carbon capture and stor...

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Air Pollution Now Major Contributor To Stroke, Global Study Finds

Air pollution has become a major contributor to stroke for the first time, with unclean air now blamed for nearly one third of the years of healthy life lost to the conditi...

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