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The Cobrador’s Stare

Debt collectors are known to be aggressive and sometimes violent, but what happens with a black-clad hooded figure does nothing but follow a defaulter around and stare at h...

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Antibiotic resistance emerging to be a major Public Health Crisis

Antibiotic use plays a key role in the emerging public health crisis of antibiotic resistance. Although the majority of antibiotic use occurs in agricultural set...

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WHO Guidelines for responding to Sexually Abused Children

Sexual violence can have psychological, emotional, and physical effects on children. These effects aren’t always easy to deal with, but with the right help and suppor...

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#MeToo – Do Sexual Harassers keep Good Science from Happening?

 Boston University (BU) is investigating sexual harassment complaints made against a prominent Antarctic geologist by two of his former graduate students. The women al...

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The General Sexism faced by the Hollywood Women since Ages

“Congratulations, you five ladies no longer have to pretend to be attracted to Harvey Weinstein", said comedian Seth MacFarlane in 2013, introducing the list of best-...

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The Theory of Why Teenagers Take Risks More Than Adults

Research has always said that teens might be making bad and risky decisions because their brain is not fully developed at that age, but Dr. Dan Romer and his colleagues at ...

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India's Failing Healthcare System

India's failing healthcare system, with latest tragedies from Gorakhpur and Farrukhabad in Uttar Pradesh, makes one question the system and the options involved, especially...

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Currently, during daily activities and alimentary habits, diabetics need to monitor their glucose levels by piercing the skin, 3 to 10 times per day. For someone with ...

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The River That Tamil Nadu Often Forgets

For four days in July-August, which is the Tamil month of Adi, there is a festival at the temple on the hills just downstream of the Karaiyar dam across the River Tamirabar...

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Dogs & Wolves Share Sense Of Fair Play

The sense of fair play is an important human trait, but new research suggests that it's a key behaviour for dogs and wolves as well. In tests, if one animal was given a mor...

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