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The Little Time Machine of Arambol, Goa

In a small part of Goa called Arambol lays a quiet and peaceful wellness retreat called Read More

Celebrating Freedom through Short Films

Films are a powerful tool for change. They break all kinds of geographical, linguistic and social barriers. The...

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2018 So Far: The Songs that are Trending

The year in songs has been good so far. Probably because there is a staggering amount of music out there. Gone ...

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Killing Eve: Bone Chilling Thriller

Orchestrating a project with female protagonists in it is no unprecedented, unattained or some watermark matter...

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Alexa & Katie: Humour, Hopes and Teen Hijinks

How we wish Disney never kiboshed dishing out our zany, colourful teen shows that happily painted the stories of an exuberant iconoclastic g...

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Life Sentence- A Deurmekaar Seriocomic

When life gives you lemons what do you do next? Squeeze it o’ not, the answer is entirely subject to individual perspectives and their...

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The Chi - Wiping off the Shades of Grey

The adage- flip side to a coin- just got a new definition, a new meaning and perspective in reference to Chicago city. There’s one sid...

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Black Mirror –Season 4: Dark Premonitions All the Way

There’s no hush-hush business when it comes to Black MirrorRead More

Queens of Comedy: Surpassing the Gender Stereotypes with Blunt Jokes and Bon Mots

Any given weekend what you grace your eyes with is more important a question than the lost archaic what you had last night for dinner. Well, we all might remember reading t...

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