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Powerful new technique reveals the mechanical environment of cells in their natural habitat, the living embryo

Whether building organs or maintaining healthy adult tissues, cells use biochemical and mechanical cues from their environment to make important decisions, such as becoming...

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Law Law Land

The legal system in India is such a mess, that we believe things are better everywhere else—particularly in the US, where there may be miscarriage of justice as often...

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‘The Lancet’ on Achieving Maternal Health Goals in the SDG Era: Tackling Diversity and Divergence

Between 1990 and 2015, there was an incredible 44 percent decrease in global maternal mortality rates. But these impressive gains still fell short of the Millennium Develop...

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The Constitution of India: A Citizens’ Charter

The very fact that the Constitution of the Indian Republic is the product not of a political revolution but of the research and deliberations of body of eminent representat...

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Wind farms might be killing many more bats than we realize

It’s no secret that wind power has experienced a boom in recent years, as demand for renewable energy sources grows. But while the technology is adept at helping curb...

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States With Higher Female Literacy Have Healthier Women

States with higher literacy rates for woman see better indicators for women’s health, IndiaSpend analysis of data from the National Family Health Survey 2013-14 revea...

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The United Nations Wants To Crush Extreme Poverty

Negotiators at the United Nations agreed Monday to a set of development goals that aim to end extreme poverty and hunger around the world in the next 15 years, while fighti...

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Opinion: No more excuses — saving maternal and newborn lives

Each day, more than 800 mothers and 15,000 babies continue to die, mostly from preventable causes. The phrase “mostly from preventable causes” is restated in so...

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Nana Patekar urges students to contribute in nation building

Asserting that Kashmiri children should take part in development of India, veteran actor Nana Patekar said they must focus on education.

"I want to tell the childre...

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Human Rights Watch Submission To WHO High-Level Working Group On Health & Human Rights Of Women, Children & Adolescents

Human Rights Watch welcomes the opportunity to provide input to the World Health Organization (WHO) High-level Working Group on Health and Human Rights of Women, Children a...

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