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Climate change’s longer growing season won’t mean more carbon capture

Forests may stay green longer due to global climate warming, but it doesn’t mean those same forests will actually grow more. In fact, new research in two papers publi...

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Global Warming and Potential Water Contamination Resulting from Fracking for Hydrocarbons

Contaminated water, presumed to be from drilling into and fracturing (fracking) hydrocarbon-bearing rock strata, has been in the news for some time now. And so have global ...

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Global warming won’t cut winter deaths as hoped

Climate warming would likely not decrease winter mortality, the report suggested more volatile winters Global warming will fail to reduce high winter death rates as some of...

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British Floods, California Drought: A Connection?

This winter, weather reports have been full of extremes. California, for instance, has had the driest year in 119 years of recordkeeping, with the Sierra snowpack less than...

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Global warming: Ice loss makes Arctic itself a bigger climate changer

As the Arctic region loses ice cover to global warming, it is itself becoming a stronger contributor to warming than climate models had predicted it would, a new study find...

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Climate Change This Week: Magma Mania, Dirty Fuel Dealer, and More!

How unusual has the weather been? No one event is “caused” by climate change, but global warming, which is predicted to increase unusual, extreme weather, is ha...

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Climate change is ‘great demon of our day’

Climate change is an issue the Church of England has to face up to and take action on by redirecting its investments , its parliamentary body heard today.

There was...

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Climate change means UK will have to get used to flooding

The political blame-game is in full swing over who is at fault for the current flooding crisis. But ministers debating local dredging operations in Somerset is a sideshow.<...

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Deaths caused by heat will rise to average of 7,000 a year in 2050

The number of deaths caused by extreme heat in the UK will more than treble by the middle of the century as a result of climate change and population growth, experts have s...

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Global warming blamed for recent storms in UK

London: Met Office’s chief scientist suggests that climate change is likely to be a factor in the extreme weather that has hit much of the UK in recent months. Dame J...

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