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From Plates that Grow Food to Certified Cocoa: UN Awards Innovative Green Enterprises at Green Economy Symposium

Fully biodegradable plates implanted with organic seeds in Colombia to provide food after use, a social media website to promote car-sharing in Viet Nam,certified cocoa for...

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4 Assam schools show way to protect nature

GUWAHATI: Respect for nature and environment cannot be inculcated in a day. But if ingrained from childhood, an individual can grow up to become a responsible citizen.


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Obama Says Health Law Critics ‘Grossly Misleading’

President Barack Obama defended his health-care law, saying the flawed online insurance exchange will get fixed and accusing critics of “grossly misleading” the...

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A Dynamic Dialogue for Sustainable Development Goals

Major Groups and other stakeholders will have an intersessional meeting with members of the Open Working Group on sustainable development goals on 22 November, just before ...

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Justice must be integral to future sustainable development agenda – UN expert

28 October 2013 – Justice, security and development cannot be promoted one at the expense of the other, either through reductionism or strict sequencing, a United Nat...

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Investors ask fossil fuel companies to assess how business plans fare in low-carbon future.

BOSTON, MA Oct 24, 2013:
A group of 70 global investors managing more than $3 trillion of collective assets today launched the first-ever coordinated effort to spur 45...

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