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Abortion, Contraception, And Equality: Honoring 100 Years Of Reproductive Rights

October 16, 2016 marks the 100th anniversary of Planned Parenthood, an organization that has fought from its outset to ensure that women are...

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Kaleidoscope - Rebellious Women

At a time in the past, when women were denied education or any kind of independent existence, the only ones to have some limited freedom were female performers - ...

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Investing In Teenage Girls: What Is World Population Day?

There are more young people in the world than ever before. With proper investment in their education and health, they could transform their countries' economies and futures...

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Kajal Singh Wow's Berlin With Her Striking Street Art

Graffiti and street art may be considered a nuisance by many but it has slowly made its way to being considered a legitimate art form around the world.  One of the fir...

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Ozone Layer Hole Appears To Be Healing, Scientists Say

Research by US and UK scientists shows that the size of the ozone void has shrunk, on average, by around 4m sq km since 2000. The measurements were taken from the month of ...

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Tangled, Toronto’s First Accessible Art Gallery For Disabled Artists, Is Bringing The Outsiders In

Outsider art – a term coined in 1972 by British art historian Roger Cardinal –was often displayed in the 1970s without the artist’s name, who was rarely e...

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Why It's So Hard To Determine If Food And Drinks Cause Cancer

On Wednesday, the WHO’s cancer research arm—the International Agency for Research on Cancer—announced it had taken coffee off its list of items considered...

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Australian Rodent Is First Mammal Made Extinct By Human-Driven Climate Change, Scientists Say

Australia — Australian researchers say rising sea levels have wiped out a rodent that lived on a tiny outcrop in the Great Barrier Reef, in what they say is the first...

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Is It Ethical To Grow Human Organs Inside Animal Chimeras?

Scientists are now working on a technique that would allow human organs to be grown inside pigs. The DNA within a pig embryo that enables it to grow a pancreas is deleted, ...

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A Desperate Attempt To Save The World's Smallest Porpoise Could End Up Killing It Off

The last hope for helping the vaquita porpoise dodge extinction could be a project to capture some of the few that remain and breed them in semi-captivity, according to a g...

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