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Limits of Vitamin D Supplements

A large review of studies has found that vitamin D supplements have little or no benefit beyond the low levels required for bone health.
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Industry pushes for hybrid insurance model to achieve universal health coverage

A report released by the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) on Monday recommended that a model which allows public sector to deliver services like antenatal care...

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F.D.A. Approves Pill to Treat Hepatitis C

The Food and Drug Administration has approved Sovaldi, from Gilead Sciences, which will let some patients be treated for a minimum of 12 weeks, but at a cost of $1,000 per ...

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New Hurdles for Premature Babies

Middle-income countries are doing better at saving premature infants, but blindness and cerebral palsy are on the rise among the babies saved. Click Read More

Nelson Mandela’s lasting impact on healthcare

Reflecting on the sad news of Nelson Mandela’s death, The African Palliative Care Association’s Executive Director, Dr Emmanuel Luyirika, has set out how Mandel...

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Jack Andraka made a breakthrough in cancer detection that had eluded pharmaceutical companies and legions of PhDs

Andraka’s test provides an answer on the spot in five minutes with what he estimates is close to 100 percent accuracy. It involves a simple strip of filter paper dipp...

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Bring HIV/AIDS Bill in Parliament this winter session, demand activists

Civil society activists and members of the Indian Network for People Living with HIV/AIDS have demanded that the long overdue HIV/AIDS Bill should be tabled in Parliament d...

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“End AIDS India” will harness people power nationwide to make HIV a priority issue for all

Shiamak Davar joins “End AIDS ...

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$12 Billion Is Pledged to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria

The amount pledged by donor countries over three years to a global fund was more than the amount raised in 2010, but far short of the goal.Click Read More


Vinta Nanda
Managing Director
Asian Center for Entertainment & Educatio...

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